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Smirnoff loves symbols like all big companies.
Below with be many of the Smirnoff Commercials and I will do my best to show and interpret them for you. It is not very easy interpreting these as you would need to
adept at the occult. I'm not interested in learning the occult and I only look toward the coming of Christ and reading his word. Over the years I have become more aware of
the repeating symbols and the uplifting of the the new race that many speak of.
Fist commercial is the “Smirnoff: “The Apple Bite”
Please watch and see my thoughts below.
Start of the Commercial you are looking down at a couple dressed in white (Purity) I believe they represent Adam and Eve before the fall.
The elevator is opening (This is the symbol used in many movies) From my understanding this mean another dimension of another way to GOD.
The elevator attendant smells the male and appears to scowl at the female when they leave. (Homosexuality is a Major plank in the New world order)
Next image is very revealing as to the nature of this commercials please see the picture that you might have missed.
They have step through the gate and are now fallen and are covered with leaves.

Depicting Adam and eve after the fall and now they are now better if you believe the world and its many deceptions.
At 12 seconds in you get your first glimpse of A man with Redish hair who is playing the part of Satan. At what and incredible
picture we have. Hell does not burn forever but a short time and I will create a page about hell page shortly. We see the man
playing satan who appears to be putting out a fire. GOD states that in the third coming of Christ the great judgment will occur and
all those who are lost will be burned with “Unquenchable fire”. This mean it cannot be put out till the wicked become ashes. But
here we have satan extinguishing the fires of Hell, this is what I believe this to be. Also notice the lady and here sexually
suggestive stance.

Door show backwards 3 then 2 then 0 I can only guess at this time for the reason for the numerology - 320.
My best researched guess is they are inverting revelation. As the couple who are now fallen Adam and eve knock the door. When the door
opens you see Satan this time smiling looking over someones shows as if they were raptured.
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with
I suspect many satan worshipers accept the false rapture just as much as the fallen churches. When Christ comes for the bridegroom the
second time all will see him you will not suddenly disappear. All those who have accepted satan’s kingdom will also see him but will perish at
his second coming. Christ’s coming is so bright that the one who have rejected him will pray for death.
Revelation 6:16
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 Seconds in you have another Gate metaphor for entering another dimension or high plane. And the light symbols for a repeating “X” which is
saturn worship or cube worship.
At 20 seconds they come into the room all the people are sitting still and look at them as if they should not be there.
Here's were things get interesting again. One eye symbolism is very important to understand this look on the back of a one dollar to see the
Eye of Horus IE Satan, one eye symbolism is in your cartons, news, movies.

At 30 seconds in Adam and eve finally make it to the bar and Satan looks over to his many duplicates in the band and they start to play. The
lost souls in the crowd immediately respond to the satanic music and begin to come alive as if Satan believes he can bring life like GOD.
Smirnoff know full well that their product is evil and they celebrate it right in front of everyone. We know have satan at the bar with serpents
leaving his body to make the drink of evil. The vodka drink represents the tree of Knowledge and the couple will soon take there spot in this
hellish bar.
As the drinks are being made by the serpents all the lost souls in the bar get up and start to dance as if in a trance
and they are all in unison as they move. And another apparent insult they have a depiction of Adam and Eve in a mural. I believe they are
comparing the apple bit drink to the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
There is also a lot of Apple symbolism in the video but we do not know what the fruit actually was that Eve and Adam ate.
At the end the couple sits down waiting for the next couple to come and start the process over and over again.
Closing: I'm not an expert on this but only want to show what I can see and how as the bible says this whole world is fallen and worships Satan.
I may be completely wrong in my analysis and should have no bearing on your faith. My goal is for you to watch, pray and be vigilant and think
critically of everything around you. Please email if you have any suggestions concerning this commercial and analysis.
Wanted to add a follow up to this concerning an interesting connection to the Mother of Harlots.
At one part in the Smirnoff you have two serpents facing each other and I remembered seeing this also in the catholic church. With allot of
digging I was able to find the video of Pope Francis meeting with other Catholics. Many Catholics carry staffs that look exactly like dragon tails.
I remember seeing one that had two serpents facing each other. If you go to my prophecy page you will understand the connection. I do not read
anywhere in the bible were Christ instructed the disciples to carry staffs with dragon tails or serpents.

The bible is the only source that provides a framework for everything happening today. One third of the bible is prophecy and the main point of this site is to proclaim it. The churches of America no longer proclaim these incredible details of current and future events. The good news is you can by faith in Christ experience forever in paradise with Christ in a body that will not hurt or grow old. Time is drawing short and there is a time coming when probation will be closed..
This gift is freely given to those that believe and repent and follow the commandments of GOD.
In 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, the apostle Paul summarizes the most basic ingredients of the gospel message, namely, the death, burial, resurrection, and appearances of the resurrected Christ.
15:1 Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel that I preached to you, that you received and on which you stand, 15:2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. 15:3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received-that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, 15:4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures, 15:5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve