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If you do not understand Daniel or Revalation go
here first. This site will not make sense till you do. Churches stopped the full gospel in 1950.
Bible Symbols and References.
America will accept homosexuality your leaders are practicing homosexuals who bow to the whore of Babylon.
Daniel prophesied anti-Christ will push this and be a practicing homosexual. But a ultra conservative Christian  I do not look to the Government to pass more laws on
Marriage. GOD ordained marriage not the Government and such the Government has not buisness in it. If a gay couple wants to marry and can find a gay friendly pastor
then they should go get married. The government loves to rub groups together to get the outcomes they want. Via the gay conflict we have hate laws that are destroying
the fabric on freedom in this country. Gay people are being used subversively by the government to bring this about as they are more easily manipulated as they do not
know the future nor can understand the events happening around spoken of in the bible.

King James Bible
Daniel 11:37
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself
above all.

Video Produced by Good Fight Ministries
Top Hollywood bosses - including former Fox head, top BBC executive and Disney TV president -accused alongside X-men director Brian Singer of abusing young boys

Green Lantern remade to be gay superhero.